News & Musings

News & Musings

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Recently accepted to @reveconstudies, "Industrial Policy Implementation: Empirical Evidence from China’s Shipbuilding Industry" from Barwick, Kalouptsidi and Bin Zahur:

I'd have thought this obvious to all (in academe and elsewhere), but just in case: any *email not answered within a week* is implicitly considered a negative answer, but also an inelegant and... wimpy choice—having also other implications. My 2 cents: be clear, fast, and brave...

Explaining which politicians' ideas are silly is not my favorite part of the job, but the cluelessness about what VAT is that this guy brings to the table will keep me from being unemployed for a long time

Certains ont commencé leurs vacances scolaires... et ont besoin de trouver des moyens de s'occuper: le patinage est toujours un moyen de dépenser leur énergie débordante (même si les patinoires de Cluj en décembre me semblaient mieux entretenues que celles de Paris ces jours-ci).

Here's what France/ Macron, hosting the emergency summit on Ukraine tomorrow, shouldn't forget:
"Had Britain and France been capable of arming Czechoslovakia effectively in 1938, there would have been no German invasion, and maybe no World War II[...]"

Un très grand merci aux 𝐹𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝐺𝑟𝑢𝑠𝑠 pour la magnifique fête d'anniversaire organisée pour ma fille — et ses amies — dimanche dernier !

Leur spectacle a été également absolument fantastique : ne le manquez pas si vous en avez encore l'occasion!

ALP scrie bine despre domnia—în sfârșit curmată—a Marelui Mut, mai puțin raționamentul contrafactual justificând "De ce merită Iohannis totodată recunoștința noastră?"; inter alia, am mai scris de ce chiar un prost umil ar fi peste un sfertodoct arogant...

Zelenskyy’s speech should be recognized as one of the great speeches of history. Unlike Vance, he spoke to the vital geopolitical truths facing Europeans today. Many who complained about Brussels will remember the mantra: If not Brussels, then Moscow.

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