Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

Sebastian (I.S.) Buhai, PhD: Brief résumé with links (November 2024)
For a detailed Curriculum Vitae please download the
extended PDF version.

Current/ Recent Academic Affiliations

Since 11/2014, I have been Associated Researcher at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI), Stockholm University. As of 09/2018, I have also been Visiting Researcher at the Center for Economic Research and its Applications (CEPREMAP) in Paris, and, since 11/2018, Visiting Researcher (in residence for periodic 1-2 weeks) at the Microdata Research Laboratory (BPLim) of Banco de Portugal in Porto. I moreover have a long-term research affiliation with the NIPE center at the University of Minho in Braga, as well as ongoing scientific appointments at a number of other institutions, such as, e.g., IZA Bonn.

From 10/2017 to 09/2018, I was also Advanced Fellow of the STAR-UBB Institute, Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca. Between 01/2015 and 04/2015, I was Visiting Professor at the Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance (EIEF) in Rome. From 05/2013 to 10/2014, I was Visiting Faculty at the Department of Economics, Stockholm University. Between 05/2010-05/2013, I was Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellow (IOF) at the Department of Economics, Northwestern University & Department of Economics and Business, Aarhus University. It was an honor to have Dale Mortensen mentor during my IOFand beyond.

Main Research Interests

Microeconometrics, Labor Economics, Empirical IO, Applied Microeconomics, Social and Economic Networks, Causal Inference, Real Options

Degree Education

Published and Other Completed Research

* I maintain a much more detailed page about my Economics research including, inter alia, titles/ synopses of my work in progress.

Peer-reviewed academic journal publications of original research:

Selected unpublished research, in downloadable working paper format:

Books, monographs, and research review articles:

Selected academic contributions tangential to/ in other fields than Economics:

For details and additional information please see my extended CV (PDF version).