Born in Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania (Romania), Dr. Ioan-Sebastian Buhai is an academic economist with main expertise in Microeconometrics, Labour Economics, Empirical Industrial Organization, and Applied Microeconomics more generally. He holds PhD and MPhil degrees in Economics from the Tinbergen Institute and Erasmus University Rotterdam, and simultaneous BSc in Sciences (Mathematics/ Theoretical Physics) and BA in Social Sciences (Economics/ Law/ Political Sciences) degrees from University College Utrecht, Utrecht University. He has an unusually international career, with current principal affiliations at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) of Stockholm University, the Centre for Research in Economics and Management (NIPE) at University of Minho, and the Center for Economics Research and its Applications (CEPREMAP) in Paris, and previous long-term or shorter/ visiting positions at other top universities and research institutes, inter alia Einaudi Institute for Economics of Finance, Northwestern University, Chicago Fed, Aarhus University, VU University Amsterdam, or University College London. Dr. Buhai’s research has been published in leading scientific journals—among others counting Econometrica and the Journal of Business and Economic Statistics—and has been awarded prestigious grants and fellowships totaling close to 500,000 euro—including a 3-year Marie Curie IOF for career development at Northwestern University and Aarhus University, with Nobel Laureate Dale Mortensen as mentor. He has taught various courses linked to his research interests, at both graduate and undergraduate levels, in several institutions/ countries. Sebastian Buhai has also been acting in the capacity of independent expert for a series of public and private institutions, including for evaluating research or policy proposals at various national and international levels. Last but not least, Dr. Buhai has been a keen observer and fierce critic of his country of birth’s science, education, and socio-economic policies for over two decades now, inter alia contributing frequent essays, interviews, and other forms of dissemination for wider audiences—in the Romanian mainstream media.
Ego: academic, economist, bon vivant (most eclectically). Alter ego.
Deeper: follow me on Bluesky and X (Twitter), flip through my blog.
Consult my shorter research bio/ profile on the IZA Bonn’s website.
If you read Romanian: consultaţi o scurtă autobiografie în română.
If you also speak it: spre excelenţă in ştiinţe—mai ales—economice.
If you bewail Romania’s wasting its boon: economie, caut strategie!
Some live TV interventions: război Ucraina/ job viitor/ salariu minim.
A public live lecture: Economia — între știință, artă și politici publice.
Some MSM interviews: sancțiuni economice eficiente contra Rusiei.
Romania 2021, socio-economically: the good, the bad, and the ugly.
If you are—or sympathize with—Romanian economists: read & rise!
Pics with: my precious; my better half; more top econs; a super econ.
Maps of the cities in which I lived so far and countries that I visited.
“Publish AND perish” isn’t healthier than “publish OR perish”. Really!
Nota bene: I do not use (never used; no plans to use) Facebook (Meta).